This Week's Note
Put On the New
October 20, 2024
Dr. Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Colossians 3, ESV 12 Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved… Know your identity: chosen, holy, and loved. …compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forg …

Put Off The Old
October 13, 2024
Dr. Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Colossians 3, ESV 5 Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 On account of these the wrath of God is coming. 7 In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. 8 But now you must put them all a …

A Noble Faith
October 6, 2024
Wil Fason, Middle School Pastor

43 After the two days he departed for Galilee. 44 (For Jesus himself had testified that a prophet has no honor in his own hometown.) 45 So when he came to Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him, having seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the feast. For they too had gone to the feast. 46 So he cam …

Set Your Mind on the Things Above
September 29, 2024
Dr. Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Colossians 3, ESV 1If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Live like a citizen of Heaven. (MULTILINE) 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.  Live with your mind set on the things …

The Sufficiency of Christ
September 22, 2024
Dr. Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Colossians 2, ESV 16 Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Trust in Jesus, not Old Testament laws. 18 Let no one disqualify y …

Keep Walking In Christ
September 15, 2024
Dr. Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Colossians 2, ESV 6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. 8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, …

Treasures In Christ
September 8, 2024
Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Colossians 2, ESV 1 For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea and for all who have not seen me face to face… The spiritual good of others is worth the struggle. “Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ Jesus, greets you, always struggling on your b …

Him We Proclaim
September 1, 2024
Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Colossians 1, ESV 24 Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church,  One reason Christians suffer is to advance the gospel – and in that, we rejoice! “24 Five times I received at the …

The Supremacy of Christ in All Things
August 25, 2024
Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Colossians 1, ESV 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17 And he is before a …

The Power of the Gospel: Around the World and In Our Lives
August 18, 2024
Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Main Theme: The supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus He is better and he is enough Colossians 1, ESV 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, 2 To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father. 3 We always than …

Reasons to Be Excited About a New Season
August 11, 2024
Justin Nalls, Lead Pastor

Joshua 1, ESV 1 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel. 3 Every place t …

Decisive Disciples
July 28, 2024
Wil Fason, Middle School Pastor

13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. 15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but …

Why not, not worry?
July 21, 2024
David Peterson, Discipleship Pastor

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:19–20 (ESV) This command of Jesus provi …

How to Pray Like Jesus
July 14, 2024
Mark Hudgins, Membership Pastor

Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 6:1, ESV) 5 “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the stre …

Disciples Who Make a Difference
July 7, 2024
Andy Johnson, Executive Pastor

Sermon on the Mount Introduction “Probably the greatest tragedy of the church throughout its long and chequered history has been its constant tendency to conform to the prevailing culture instead of developing a Christian counter-culture.” (John Stott, 1978) 5 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mo …

When a Long-term Leader Says Farewell
June 23, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

Joshua 23 (ESV) 23 A long time afterward, when the Lord had given rest to Israel from all their surrounding enemies, and Joshua was old and well advanced in years, 2 Joshua summoned all Israel, its elders and heads, its judges and officers, and said to them, “I am now old and well advanced in years. …

A Next Generation Orientation: At Home and at Church
June 16, 2024
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor and Lead Pastor Elect

Psalm 78, ESV 1 Give ear, O my people, to my teaching;     incline your ears to the words of my mouth! 2 I will open my mouth in a parable;     I will utter dark sayings from of old, 3 things that we have heard and known,     that our fathers have told us. 4 We will not hide them from their children …

From Moses to Joshua: Biblical Wisdom for a Season of Succession
June 9, 2024

Chapters in the Life of Moses 3 months – age 40: Pharaoh’s household Age 40 – 80: Exiled in Midian Age 80 – 120:  Leading God’s people from Egypt through the wilderness to the edge of the Promised Land Numbers 27:12-23 (ESV) 12 The Lord said to Moses, “Go up into this mountain of Abarim and see the …

The Spiritual Significance of Remembering
June 2, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

105 Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! 2  Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! 3  Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! 4  Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continua …

How to Pray When You’ve Been Mistreated
May 26, 2024
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor and Lead Pastor Elect

Psalm 141, ESV 1 O Lord, I call upon you; hasten to me!     Give ear to my voice when I call to you! 2 Let my prayer be counted as incense before you,     and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice! God, be near to me. 3 Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;     keep watch over the door o …

Praise the Lord!
May 19, 2024
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor and Lead Pastor Elect

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 19, Psalm 141 Monday, May 20, Psalm 142 Tuesday, May 21, Psalm 143 Wednesday, May 22, Psalm 144 Thursday, May 23, Psalm 145 Friday, May 23, Psalm 146 Saturday, May 25, Psalm 147 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

A Woman Who Fears the Lord
May 12, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 12, Psalm 134 Monday, May 13, Psalm 135 Tuesday, May 14, Psalm 136 Wednesday, May 15, Psalm 137 Thursday, May 16, Psalm 138 Friday, May 17, Psalm 139 Saturday, May 18, Psalm 140 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

Where Does My Help Come From?
May 5, 2024
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor & Lead Pastor Elect

Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor and Lead Pastor Elect To view the sermon notes for the 11:00 a.m. Blended service, please click here. A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 5, Psalm 127 Monday, May 6, Psalm 128 Tuesday, May 7, Psalm 129 Wednesday, May 8, Psalm 130 Thursday, May 9, Psalm 131 Friday, May 10, Psalm …

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
May 5, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor To view the sermon notes for the Traditional, 9:40 Blended, or Contemporary service, please click here. 1. Be the tree, … Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in …

Make the Most of Your Storm
April 28, 2024
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 28, Acts 28 Monday, April 29, Psalm 121 Tuesday, April 30, Psalm 122 Wednesday, May 1, Psalm 123 Thursday, May 2, Psalm 124 Friday, May 3, Psalm 125 Saturday, May 4, Psalm 126 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

The Church God Wants us to Be
April 21, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 21, Acts 21 Monday, April 22, Acts 22 Tuesday, April 23, Acts 23 Wednesday, April 24, Acts 24 Thursday, April 25, Acts 25 Friday, April 26, Acts 26 Saturday, April 27, Acts 27 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

Lessons for Going with the Gospel
April 14, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 14, Acts 14 Monday, April 15, Acts 15 Tuesday, April 16, Acts 16 Wednesday, April 17, Acts 17 Thursday, April 18, Acts 18 Friday, April 19, Acts 19 Saturday, April 20, Acts 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

More Than You Asked For
April 7, 2024
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 7, Acts 7 Monday, April 8, Acts 8 Tuesday, April 9, Acts 9 Wednesday, April 10, Acts 10 Thursday, April 11, Acts 11 Friday, April 12, Acts 12 Saturday, April 13, Acts 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapte …

Life in His Name
March 31, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Saturday, March 30, John 20 Sunday, March 31, John 21 Monday, April 1, Acts 1 Tuesday, April 2, Acts 2 Wednesday, April 3, Acts 3 Thursday, April 4, Acts 4 Friday, April 5, Acts 5 Saturday, April 6, Acts 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understan …

Mission Accomplished
March 24, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 24, John 14 Monday, March 25, John 15 Tuesday, March 26, John 16 Wednesday, March 27, John 17 Thursday, March 28, John 18 Friday, March 29, John 19 Saturday, March 30, John 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

A Question of Identity
March 17, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 17, John 7 Monday, March 18, John 8 Tuesday, March 19, John 9 Wednesday, March 20, John 10 Thursday, March 21, John 11 Friday, March 22, John 12 Saturday, March 23, John 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the cha …

Core Convictions and Things I Love About Ingleside
March 10, 2024
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 10, Philemon Monday, March 11, John 1 Tuesday, March 12, John 2 Wednesday, March 13, John 3 Thursday, March 14, John 4 Friday, March 15, John 5 Saturday, March 16, John 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapt …

The God of All Creation
March 3, 2024
Andy Johnson, Executive Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 3, 1 Corinthians 10 Monday, March 4, 1 Corinthians 11 Tuesday, March 5, 1 Corinthians 12 Wednesday, March 6, 1 Corinthians 13 Thursday, March 7, 1 Corinthians 14 Friday, March 8, 1 Corinthians 15 Saturday, March 9, 1 Corinthians 16 If you would like to receive a short, …

Prizing and Protecting our Unity
February 25, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 25, 1 Corinthians 3 Monday, February 26, 1 Corinthians 4 Tuesday, February 27, 1 Corinthians 5 Wednesday, February 28, 1 Corinthians 6 Thursday, February 29, 1 Corinthians 7 Friday, March 1, 1 Corinthians 8 Saturday, March 2, 1 Corinthians 9 If you would like to rece …

Pastoral Succession: Biblical Principles and Practical Wisdom for Leadership Transitions in the Local Church
February 18, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 18, Psalm 116 Monday, February 19, Psalm 117 Tuesday, February 20, Psalm 118 Wednesday, February 21, Psalm 119 Thursday, February 22, Psalm 120 Friday, February 23, 1 Corinthians 1 Saturday, February 24, 1 Corinthians 2 If you would like to receive a short, daily ema …

The Bible and the Super Bowl: Lessons from Athletics in the New Testament
February 11, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 11, Psalm 109 Monday, February 12, Psalm 110 Tuesday, February 13, Psalm 111 Wednesday, February 14, Psalm 112 Thursday, February 15,Psalm 113 Friday, February 16, Psalm 114 Saturday, February 17, Psalm 115 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help yo …

Sing to the Lord!
February 4, 2024
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

  A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 4, Psalm 102 Monday, February 5, Psalm 103 Tuesday, February 6, Psalm 104 Wednesday, February 7, Psalm 105 Thursday, February 8, Psalm 106 Friday, February 9, Psalm 107 Saturday, February 10, Psalm 108 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help …

Transformed: A Practical Portrait of Life in Christ
January 28, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 28, Psalm 95 Monday, January 29, Psalm 96 Tuesday, January 30, Psalm 97 Wednesday, January 31, Psalm 98 Thursday, February 1, Psalm 99 Friday, February 2, Psalm 100 Saturday, February 3, Psalm 101 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better un …

If God Is for Us: Spiritual Meat to Make Strong Disciples
January 21, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 21, Romans 14 Monday, January 22, Romans 15 Tuesday, January 23, Romans 16 Wednesday, January 24, Psalm 91 Thursday, January 25, Psalm 92 Friday, January 26, Psalm 93 Saturday, January 27, Psalm 94 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better u …

How to Be Right with God: The Gospel of Jesus Christ
January 14, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 14, Romans 7 Monday, January 15,   Romans 8 Tuesday, January 16, Romans 9 Wednesday, January 17, Romans 10 Thursday, January 18,  Romans 11 Friday, January 19, Romans 12 Saturday, January 20, Romans 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you bett …

Test Note Cached
January 11, 2024

This should be publshed tomorrow and bypass cache.

How to Walk in Wisdom in the New Year
January 7, 2024
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 7, Haggai 2 Monday, January 8, Romans 1 Tuesday, January 9, Romans 2 Wednesday, January 10, Romans 3 Thursday, January 11, Romans 4 Friday, January 12, Romans 5 Saturday, January 13, Romans 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better underst …

Walking Into the New Year With Confidence: Three Indications You Have Eternal Life
December 31, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 31, 3 John Monday, January 1, James 1 Tuesday, January 2, James 2 Wednesday, January 3, James 3 Thursday, January 4, James 4 Friday, January 5, James 5 Saturday, January 6, Haggai 1 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and a …

The Birth of Jesus
December 17, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 17, Luke 17 Monday, December 18, Luke 18 Tuesday, December 19, Luke 19 Wednesday, December 20, Luke 20 Thursday, December 21, Luke 21 Friday, December 22, Luke 22 Saturday, December 23, Luke 23 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better unde …

The Birth of Two Babies
December 3, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 3, Luke 3 Monday, December 4, Luke 4 Tuesday, December 5, Luke 5 Wednesday, December 6, Luke 6 Thursday, December 7, Luke 7 Friday, December 8, Luke 8 Saturday, December 9, Luke 9 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and app …

Not the Final Chapter
November 26, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 26, Ruth 1 Monday, November 27, Ruth 2 Tuesday, November 28, Ruth 3 Wednesday, November 29, Ruth 4 Thursday, November 30, Jude Friday, December 1, Luke 1 Saturday, December 2, Luke 2 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and …

Five Exhortations for a Holiday Week
November 19, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 19, 2 Peter 1 Monday, November 20, 2 Peter 2 Tuesday, November 21, 2 Peter 3 Wednesday, November 22, Jonah 1 Thursday, November 23, Jonah 2 Friday, November 24, Jonah 3 Saturday, November 25, Jonah 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you bette …

Jesus Spoke to Everyone
November 20, 2023
John Smith

This is a sermon about Jesus and his disciples getting into a ship and going to the other side. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.

Lessons for Leaders from One Who Finished Well
November 12, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 12, Titus 2 Monday, November 13, Titus 3 Tuesday, November 14, 1 Peter 1 Wednesday, November 15, 1 Peter 2 Thursday, November 16, 1 Peter 3 Friday, November 17, 1 Peter 4 Saturday, November 18, 1 Peter 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you b …

Mobilized for Missions
November 5, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 5, Colossians 3 Monday, November 6, Colossians 4 Tuesday, November 7, 2 Timothy 1 Wednesday, November 8, 2 Timothy 2 Thursday, November 9, 2 Timothy 3 Friday, November 10, 2 Timothy 4 Saturday, November 11, Titus 1 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to …

Don’t Buy A Counterfeit Gospel
October 29, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 29, Galatians 6 Monday, October 30, Philippians 1 Tuesday, October 31, Philippians 2 Wednesday, November 1, Philippians 3 Thursday, November 2, Philippians 4  Friday, November 3, Colossians 1 Saturday, November 4, Colossians 2  If you would like to receive a short, da …

A “Word of Exhortation”
October 22, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 22, Hebrews 12 Monday, October 23, Hebrews 13 Tuesday, October 24, Galatians 1 Wednesday, October 25, Galatians 2 Thursday, October 26, Galatians 3 Friday, October 27, Galatians 4 Saturday, October 28, Galatians 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to h …

Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem
October 15, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 15, Hebrews 5 Monday, October 16, Hebrews 6 Tuesday, October 17, Hebrews 7 Wednesday, October 18, Hebrews 8 Thursday, October 19, Hebrews 9 Friday, October 20, Hebrews 10 Saturday, October 21, Hebrews 11 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you be …

The Return of Christ: Hope for the Future
October 8, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 8, 2 Thessalonians 1 Monday, October 9, 2 Thessalonians 2 Tuesday, October 10, 2 Thessalonians 3 Wednesday, October 11, Hebrews 1 Thursday, October 12, Hebrews 2 Friday, October 13, Hebrews 3 Saturday, October 14, Hebrews 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily …

All Things New
October 1, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 1, Revelation 21 Monday, October 2, Revelation 22 Tuesday, October 3, 1 Thessalonians 1 Wednesday, October 4, 1 Thessalonians 2 Thursday, October 5, 1 Thessalonians 3 Friday, October 6, 1 Thessalonians 4 Saturday, October 7, 1 Thessalonians 5 If you would like to rece …

The Kindness and Severity of God
September 24, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 24, Revelation 14 Monday, September 25, Revelation 15 Tuesday, September 26, Revelation 16 Wednesday, September 27, Revelation 17 Thursday, September 28, Revelation 18 Friday, September 29, Revelation 19 Saturday, September 30, Revelation 20 If you would like to rec …

How to Face the Future with Confidence and Joy
September 17, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 17, Revelation 7 Monday, September 18, Revelation 8 Tuesday, September 19, Revelation 9 Wednesday, September 20, Revelation 10 Thursday, September 21, Revelation 11 Friday, September 22, Revelation 12 Saturday, September 23, Revelation 13 If you would like to receiv …

Finding Your Way Back Home
September 10, 2023

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 10, Hosea 14 Monday, September 11, Revelation 1 Tuesday, September 12, Revelation 2 Wednesday, September 13, Revelation 3 Thursday, September 14, Revelation 4 Friday, September 15 , Revelation 5 Saturday, September 16, Revelation 6 If you would like to receive a sho …

A Fierce and Faithful Love
September 3, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 3, Hosea 7 Monday, September 4, Hosea 8 Tuesday, September 5, Hosea 9 Wednesday, September 6, Hosea 10 Thursday, September 7, Hosea 11 Friday, September 8, Hosea 12 Saturday, September 9, Hosea 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better …

Finding Hope When Your World is Broken
August 27, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 27, Lamentations 5 Monday, August 28, Hosea 1 Tuesday, August 29, Hosea 2 Wednesday, August 30, Hosea 3 Thursday, August 31, Hosea 4 Friday, September 1, Hosea 5 Saturday, September 2, Hosea 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better underst …

Four Keys to a Successful New Chapter
August 20, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 20, Mark 14 Monday, August 21, Mark 15 Tuesday, August 22, Mark 16 Wednesday, August 23, Lamentations 1 Thursday, August 24, Lamentations 2 Friday, August 25, Lamentations 3 Saturday, August 26, Lamentations 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help y …

Why Church?
August 13, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 13, Mark 7 Monday, August 14, Mark 8 Tuesday, August 15, Mark 9 Wednesday, August 16, Mark 10 Thursday, August 17, Mark 11 Friday, August 18, Mark 12 Saturday, August 19, Mark 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply …

Will it Be Enough? The Sufficiency of God’s Grace
August 6, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 6, 2 Corinthians 13 Monday, August 7, Mark 1 Tuesday, August 8, Mark 2 Wednesday, August 9, Mark 3 Thursday, August 10, Mark 4 Friday, August 11, Mark 5 Saturday, August 12, Mark 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and appl …

The Message of the Gospel and the Hope of the Resurrection– message #4 in the series Building a Prevailing Church in a Broken World
July 30, 2023
Wil Fason, Middle School Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 30, 2 Corinthians 6 Monday, July 31, 2 Corinthians 7 Tuesday, August 1, 2 Corinthians 8 Wednesday, August 2, 2 Corinthians 9 Thursday, August 3, 2 Corinthians 10 Friday, August 4, 2 Corinthians 11 Saturday, August 5, 2 Corinthians 12 If you would like to receive a short, …

Caring for the Body of Christ Together– message #3 in the series Building a Prevailing Church in a Broken World
July 23, 2023
David Dargel, High School Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 23, 1 Corinthians 15 Monday, July 24, 2 Corinthians 1 Tuesday, July 25, 2 Corinthians 2 Wednesday, July 26, 2 Corinthians 3 Thursday, July 27, 2 Corinthians 4 Friday, July 28, 2 Corinthians 5 Saturday, July 29, 2 Corinthians 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily …

Four Metaphors for Church Unity
July 16, 2023
Andy Johnson, Executive Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 16, 1 Corinthians 8 Monday, July 17, 1 Corinthians 9 Tuesday, July 18, 1 Corinthians 10 Wednesday, July 19, 1 Corinthians 11 Thursday, July 20, 1 Corinthians 12 Friday, July 21, 1 Corinthians 13 Saturday, July 22, 1 Corinthians 14 If you would like to receive a short, da …

Called to Be Saints
July 9, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 9, 1 Corinthians 1 Monday, July 10, 1 Corinthians 2 Tuesday, July 11, 1 Corinthians 3 Wednesday, July 12, 1 Corinthians 4 Thursday, July 13, 1 Corinthians 5 Friday, July 14, 1 Corinthians 6 Saturday, July 15, 1 Corinthians 7 If you would like to receive a short, daily em …

“Live as People Who Are Free” Biblical Wisdom for Christian Citizens
July 2, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 2, Romans 10 Monday, July 3, Romans 11 Tuesday, July 4, Romans 12 Wednesday, July 5, Romans 13 Thursday, July 6, Romans 14 Friday, July 7, Romans 15 Saturday, July 8, Romans 16 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

The Josiah Factor: A Bright Light in a Dark Night
June 25, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 25, Romans 3 Monday, June 26, Romans 4 Tuesday, June 27, Romans 5 Wednesday, June 28, Romans 6 Thursday, June 29, Romans 7 Friday, June 30, Romans 8 Saturday, July 1, Romans 9 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the c …

Bible Basics about Fathers & Fatherhood
June 18, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 18, 2 Kings 21 Monday, June 19, 2 Kings 22 Tuesday, June 20, 2 Kings 23 Wednesday, June 21, 2 Kings 24 Thursday, June 22, 2 Kings 25 Friday, June 23, Romans 1 Saturday, June 24, Romans 2 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and …

Baptism Q & A
June 11, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 11, 2 Kings 14 Monday, June 12, 2 Kings 15 Tuesday, June 13, 2 Kings 16 Wednesday, June 14, 2 Kings 17 Thursday, June 15, 2 Kings 18 Friday, June 16, 2 Kings 19 Saturday, June 17, 2 Kings 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand …

How to Win Over Discouragement
June 4, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 4, 2 Kings 7 Monday, June 5, 2 Kings 8 Tuesday, June 6, 2 Kings 9 Wednesday, June 7, 2 Kings 10 Thursday, June 8, 2 Kings 11 Friday, June 9, 2 Kings 12 Saturday, June 10, 2 Kings 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply …

The LORD, He Is God
May 28, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 28, 1 Kings 22 Monday, May 29, 2 Kings 1 Tuesday, May 30, 2 Kings 2 Wednesday, May 31, 2 Kings 3 Thursday, June 1, 2 Kings 4 Friday, June 2, 2 Kings 5 Saturday, June 3, 2 Kings 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

Five Lessons from the Life of Solomon
May 21, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 21, 1 Kings 15 Monday, May 22, 1 Kings 16 Tuesday, May 23, 1 Kings 17 Wednesday, May 24, 1 Kings 18 Thursday, May 25, 1 Kings 19 Friday, May 26, 1 Kings 20 Saturday, May 27, 1 Kings 21 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and app …

Lessons from the Life of Mary, The Mother of Jesus
May 14, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 14, 1 Kings 8 Monday, May 15, 1 Kings 9 Tuesday, May 16, 1 Kings 10 Wednesday, May 17, 1 Kings 11 Thursday, May 18, 1 Kings 12 Friday, May 19, 1 Kings 13 Saturday, May 20, 1 Kings 14 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply …

Biblical Wisdom About Submission
May 7, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 7, 1 Kings 1 Monday, May 8, 1 Kings 2 Tuesday, May 9, 1 Kings 3 Wednesday, May 10, 1 Kings 4 Thursday, May 11, 1 Kings 5 Friday, May 12, 1 Kings 6 Saturday, May 13, 1 Kings 7 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the cha …

Growing to Shine in a Dark World
May 7, 2023
David Dargel, High School Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 7, 1 Kings 1 Monday, May 8, 1 Kings 2 Tuesday, May 9, 1 Kings 3 Wednesday, May 10, 1 Kings 4 Thursday, May 11, 1 Kings 5 Friday, May 12, 1 Kings 6 Saturday, May 13, 1 Kings 7 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the cha …

Breakfast on the Beach with Jesus
April 30, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 30, John 21 Monday, May 1, Ephesians 1 Tuesday, May 2, Ephesians 2 Wednesday, May 3, Ephesians 3 Thursday, May 4, Ephesians 4 Friday, May 5, Ephesians 5 Saturday, May 6, Ephesians 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and appl …

Passing the Leadership Baton- Biblical Principles and Practical Wisdom for a Season of Succession
April 23, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 23, John 14 Monday, April 24, John 15 Tuesday, April 25, John 16 Wednesday, April 26, John 17 Thursday, April 27, John 18 Friday, April 28, John 19 Saturday, April 29, John 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

Four Commitments of a Healthy Church
April 16, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 16, John 7 Monday, April 17, John 8 Tuesday, April 18, John 9 Wednesday, April 19, John 10 Thursday, April 20, John 11 Friday, April 21, John 12 Saturday, April 22, John 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the cha …

Finding a Fresh Start
April 9, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 9, Matthew 28 Monday, April 10, John 1 Tuesday, April 11, John 2 Wednesday, April 12, John 3 Thursday, April 13, John 4 Friday, April 14, John 5 Saturday, April 15, John 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chap …

A Cross-Centered Witness–message #7 in the series Witness: Speaking the Gospel, Making Disciples, and Planting Churches- All for the Glory of God!
April 2, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 2, Matthew 21 Monday, April 3, Matthew 22 Tuesday, April 4, Matthew 23 Wednesday, April 5, Matthew 24 Thursday, April 6, Matthew 25 Friday, April 7, Matthew 26 Saturday, April 8, Matthew 27 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will …

A Church-Oriented Witness– message #6 in the series Witness: Speaking the Gospel, Making Disciples, and Planting Churches- All for the Glory of God!
March 26, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 26, Matthew 14 Monday, March 27, Matthew 15 Tuesday, March 28, Matthew 16 Wednesday, March 29, Matthew 17 Thursday, March 30, Matthew 18 Friday, March 31, Matthew 19 Saturday, April 1, Matthew 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better under …

A Barrier-Breaking Witness– message #5 in the series Witness: Speaking the Gospel, Making Disciples, and Planting Churches- All for the Glory of God!
March 19, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 19, Matthew 7 Monday, March 20, Matthew 8 Tuesday, March 21, Matthew 9 Wednesday, March 22, Matthew 10 Thursday, March 23, Matthew 11 Friday, March 24, Matthew 12 Saturday, March 25, Matthew 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better underst …

A Reluctant Witness– message #4 in the series Witness: Speaking the Gospel, Making Disciples, and Planting Churches- All for the Glory of God!
March 12, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 12, Philemon Monday, March 13, Matthew 1 Tuesday, March 4, Matthew 2 Wednesday, March 15, Matthew 3 Thursday, March 16, Matthew 4 Friday, March 17, Matthew 5 Saturday, March 18, Matthew 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand an …

A Spirt-Led Witness – Message #3 in the Series Witness: Speaking The Gospel, Making Disciples, And Planting Churches – All For The Glory Of God!
March 5, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 5, Acts 22 Monday, March 6, Acts 23 Tuesday, March 7, Acts 24 Wednesday, March 8 , Acts 25 Thursday, March 9 , Acts 26 Friday, March 10 , Acts 27 Saturday, March 11 , Acts 28 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the c …

A Courageous Witness – Message #2 in the series Witness: Speaking the Gospel, Making Disciples, and Planting Churches – All for the Glory of God!
February 26, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 26, Acts 15 Monday, February 27, Acts 16 Tuesday, February 28, Acts 17 Wednesday, March 1, Acts 18 Thursday, March 2, Acts 19 Friday, March 3, Acts 20 Saturday, March 4, Acts 21 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply …

The First Witness– message #1 in the series Witness: Speaking the Gospel, Making Disciples, and Planting Churches- All for the Glory of God!
February 19, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 19, Acts 8 Monday, February 20, Acts 9 Tuesday, February 21, Acts 10 Wednesday, February 22, Acts 11 Thursday, February 23, Acts 12 Friday, February 24, Acts 13 Saturday, February 25, Acts 14 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better unders …

What’s a Deacon to Do? Serving in the Body of Christ
February 12, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 12, Acts 1 Monday, February 13, Acts 2 Tuesday, February 14, Acts 3 Wednesday, February 15, Acts 4 Thursday, February 16, Acts 5 Friday, February 17, Acts 6 Saturday, February 18, Acts 7 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand …

Wisdom for Men and Women– message #5 in the series The Way of Wisdom
February 5, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 5, James 5 Monday, February 6, 1 Timothy 1 Tuesday, February 7, 1 Timothy 2 Wednesday, February 8, 1 Timothy 3 Thursday, February 9, 1 Timothy 4 Friday, February 10, 1 Timothy 5 Saturday, February 11, 1 Timothy 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to h …

Wisdom and Our Work– message #4 in the series The Way of Wisdom
January 29, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 29, Proverbs 29 Monday, January 30, Proverbs 30 Tuesday, January 31, Proverbs 31 Wednesday, February 1, James 1 Thursday, February 2, James 2 Friday, February 3, James 3 Saturday, February 4, James 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better …

Wisdom and Our Words– message #3 in the series The Way of Wisdom
January 22, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 22, Proverbs 22 Monday, January 23, Proverbs 23 Tuesday, January 24, Proverbs 24 Wednesday, January 25, Proverbs 25 Thursday, January 26, Proverbs 26 Friday, January 27, Proverbs 27 Saturday, January 28, Proverbs 28 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to …

Listening to the Voice of Wisdom– message #2 in the series The Way of Wisdom
January 15, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 15, Proverbs 15 Monday, January 16, Proverbs 16 Tuesday, January 17, Proverbs 17 Wednesday, January 18, Proverbs 18 Thursday, January 19, Proverbs 19 Friday, January 20, Proverbs 20 Saturday, January 21, Proverbs 21 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to …

Learning to Walk in Wisdom– message #1 in the series The Way of Wisdom
January 8, 2023
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 8, Proverbs 8 Monday, January 9, Proverbs 9 Tuesday, January 10, Proverbs 10 Wednesday, January 11, Proverbs 11 Thursday, January 12, Proverbs 12 Friday, January 13, Proverbs 13 Saturday, January 14, Proverbs 14 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to hel …

Beginning With the End in Mind
January 1, 2023
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 1, Proverbs 1 Monday, January 2, Proverbs 2 Tuesday, January 3, Proverbs 3 Wednesday, January 4, Proverbs 4 Thursday, January 5, Proverbs 5 Friday, January 6, Proverbs 6 Saturday, January 7, Proverbs 7 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you bett …

The Christmas Story: What it Reveals about God & How We Should Respond
December 25, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 25, Revelation 16 Monday, December 26, Revelation 17 Tuesday, December 27, Revelation 18 Wednesday, December 28, Revelation 19 Thursday, December 29, Revelation 20 Friday, December 30, Revelation 21 Saturday, December 31, Revelation 22 If you would like to receive a …

Lessons from the Birth of Jesus
December 18, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 18, Revelation 9 Monday, December 19, Revelation 10 Tuesday, December 20, Revelation 11 Wednesday, December 21, Revelation 12 Thursday, December 22, Revelation 13 Friday, December 23, Revelation 14 Saturday, December 24, Revelation 15 If you would like to receive a s …

Promises Made, Promises Kept – How Christmas Calls us to Trust God and His Promises
December 4, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 4, Mark 11 Monday, December 5, Mark 12 Tuesday, December 6, Mark 13 Wednesday, December 7, Mark 14 Thursday, December 8, Mark 15 Friday, December 9, Mark 16 Saturday, December 10, Revelation 1 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better under …

Contend for the Faith: An Overview of the Book of Jude
November 27, 2022
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 27, Mark 4 Monday, November 28, Mark 5 Tuesday, November 29, Mark 6 Wednesday, November 30, Mark 7 Thursday, December 1, Mark 8 Friday, December 2, Mark 9 Saturday, December 3, Mark 10 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand an …

“That You May Know” – How to be Sure and Certain of Your Salvation
November 20, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 20, 2 John Monday, November 21, 3 John Tuesday, November 22, Jude Wednesday, November 23, Philemon Thursday, November 24, Mark 1 Friday, November 25, Mark 2 Saturday, November 26, Mark 3 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand …

Predictions You Can Count On
November 13, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 13, Micah 6 Monday, November 14, Micah 7 Tuesday, November 15, 1 John 1 Wednesday, November 16, 1 John 2 Thursday, November 17, 1 John 3 Friday, November 18, 1 John 4 Saturday, November 19, 1 John 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better …

Planting & Building Prevailing Churches: A Key Component of an Acts 1:8 Strategy
November 6, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 6, Amos 9 Monday, November 7, Obadiah Tuesday, November 8, Micah 1 Wednesday, November 9, Micah 2 Thursday, November 10, Micah 3 Friday, November 11, Micah 4 Saturday, November 12, Micah 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understan …

Are Nations Accountable to God? Our Vote and the Future of our Country
October 30, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 30, Amos 2 Monday, October 31, Amos 3 Tuesday, November 1, Amos 4 Wednesday, November 2, Amos 5 Thursday, November 3, Amos 6 Friday, November 4, Amos 7 Saturday, November 5, Amos 8 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and app …

But As For You – Thinking About Money In Light of Eternity
October 23, 2022
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 23, 2 Timothy 2 Monday, October 24, 2 Timothy 3 Tuesday, October 25, 2 Timothy 4 Wednesday, October 26, Titus 1 Thursday, October 27, Titus 2 Friday, October 28, Titus 3 Saturday, October 29, Amos 1 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better …

How to Triumph Over Trials
October 16, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 16, 1 Timothy 1 Monday, October 17, 1 Timothy 2 Tuesday, October 18, 1 Timothy 3 Wednesday, October 19, 1 Timothy 4 Thursday, October 20, 1 Timothy 5 Friday, October 21, 1 Timothy 6 Saturday, October 22, 2 Timothy 1 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to …

A Better Way
October 9, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 9, Hebrews 12 Monday, October 10, Hebrews 13 Tuesday, October 11, James 1 Wednesday, October 12, James 2 Thursday, October 13, James 3 Friday, October 14, James 4 Saturday, October 15, James 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better unders …

Encouragement and Instruction about How to Live until Jesus Comes Again
October 2, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 2, Hebrews 5 Monday, October 3, Hebrews 6 Tuesday, October 4, Hebrews 7 Wednesday, October 5, Hebrews 8 Thursday, October 6, Hebrews 9 Friday, October 7, Hebrews 10 Saturday, October 8, Hebrews  11 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better u …

What to Think and How to Feel When a Christ-Follower You Love Dies
September 25, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 25, 2 Thess 1 Monday, September 26, 2 Thess 2 Tuesday, September 27, 2 Thess 3 Wednesday, September 28, Hebrews 1 Thursday, September 29, Hebrews 2 Friday, September 30, Hebrews 3 Saturday, October 1, Hebrews 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to he …

Seven Exhortations for Christ-like Living
September 18, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 18, Colossians 3 Monday, September 19, Colossians 4 Tuesday, September 20, 1 Thess 1 Wednesday, September 21, 1 Thess 2 Thursday, September 22, 1 Thess 3 Friday, September 23, 1 Thess 4 Saturday, September 24, 1 Thess 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily em …

How to Walk with the Lord
September 11, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 11, Ephesians 6 Monday, September 12, Philippians 1 Tuesday, September 13, Philippians 2 Wednesday, September 14, Philippians 3 Thursday, September 15, Philippians 4 Friday, September 16, Colossians 1 Saturday, September 17, Colossians 2 If you would like to receive …

But We See Jesus
September 4, 2022
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 4, Galatians 5 Monday, September 5, Galatians 6 Tuesday, September 6, Ephesians 1 Wednesday, September 7, Ephesians 2 Thursday, September 8, Ephesians 3 Friday, September 9, Ephesians 4 Saturday, September 10, Ephesians 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily …

The Kingdom and the King: What is the Kingdom of God Like?
August 28, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 28, Matthew 26 Monday, August 29, Matthew 27 Tuesday, August 30, Matthew 28 Wednesday, August 31, Galatians 1 Thursday, September 1, Galatians 2 Friday, September 2, Galatians 3 Saturday, September 3, Galatians 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to hel …

Should We Wash our Hands? What Jesus Said about God’s Commands and Our Traditions
August 21, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 21, Matthew 19 Monday, August 22, Matthew 20 Tuesday, August 23, Matthew 21 Wednesday, August 24, Matthew 22 Thursday, August 25, Matthew 23 Friday, August 26, Matthew 24 Saturday, August 27, Matthew 25 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you bett …

The Most Famous Sermon of Jesus: A Discipleship Manual in Brief
August 14, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 14, Matthew 12 Monday, August 15, Matthew 13 Tuesday, August 16, Matthew 14 Wednesday, August 17, Matthew 15 Thursday, August 18, Matthew 16 Friday, August 19, Matthew 17 Saturday, July 20, Matthew 18 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better …

What to Expect When You Begin a New Chapter
August 7, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 7, Matthew 5 Monday, August 8, Matthew 6 Tuesday, August 9, Matthew 7 Wednesday, August 10, Matthew 8 Thursday, August 11, Matthew 9 Friday, August 12, Matthew 10 Saturday, July 13, Matthew 11 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better underst …

Ambassadors for Christ
July 31, 2022
David Peterson, Discipleship Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 31, 2 Corinthians 11 Monday, August 1, 2 Corinthians 12 Tuesday, August 2, 2 Corinthians 13 Wednesday, August 3, Matthew 1              Thursday, August 4, Matthew 2 Friday, August 5, Matthew 3 Saturday, August 6, Matthew 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily ema …

New Covenant Realities
July 24, 2022
Wil Fason, Middle School Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 24, II Corinthians 4 Monday, July 25, II Corinthians 5 Tuesday, July 26, II Corinthians 6 Wednesday, July 27, II Corinthians 7 Thursday, July 28, II Corinthians 8 Friday, July 29, II Corinthians 9              Saturday, July 30, II Corinthians 10 If you would like to rec …

The Art of Being the Body: The One Anothers in Scripture
July 17, 2022
Andy Johnson, Executive Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 17, Isaiah 63 Monday, July 18, Isaiah 64 Tuesday, July 19, Isaiah 65 Wednesday, July 20, Isaiah 66 Thursday, July 21, II Corinthians 1 Friday, July 22, II Corinthians 2 Saturday, July 23, II Corinthians 3 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you bett …

A Gentle King
July 10, 2022
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 10, Isaiah 56 Monday, July 11, Isaiah 57 Tuesday, July 12, Isaiah 58 Wednesday, July 13, Isaiah 59 Thursday, July 14, Isaiah 60 Friday, July 15, Isaiah 61 Saturday, July 16, Isaiah 62 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and app …

Free Indeed! Celebrating our Freedom in Christ and as American Citizens  
July 3, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

    A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 3, Isaiah 49 Monday, July 4, Isaiah 50 Tuesday, July 5, Isaiah 51 Wednesday, July 6, Isaiah 52 Thursday, July 7, Isaiah 53 Friday, July 8, Isaiah 54 Saturday, July 9, Isaiah 55 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply …

Baptism & Following Jesus
June 26, 2022

Question #1: Why make such a big deal about baptism? Answer: Because Jesus did.    18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Ho …

As For Me and My House…
June 19, 2022
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 19, Isaiah 35 Monday, June 20, Isaiah 36 Tuesday, June 21, Isaiah 37 Wednesday, June 22, Isaiah 38 Thursday, June 23, Isaiah 39 Friday, June 24, Isaiah 40 Saturday, June 25, Isaiah 41 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and app …

A Multi-Generational Church With a Next-Generation Orientation
June 12, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 12, Isaiah 28 Monday, June 13, Isaiah 29 Tuesday, June 14, Isaiah 30 Wednesday, June 15, Isaiah 31 Thursday, June 16, Isaiah 32 Friday, June 17, Isaiah 33 Saturday, June 18, Isaiah 34 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and app …

Truth from Long Ago To Guide Followers of Christ Today
June 5, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 5, Isaiah 21 Monday, June 6, Isaiah 22 Tuesday, June 7, Isaiah 23 Wednesday, June 8, Isaiah 24 Thursday, June 9, Isaiah 25 Friday, June 10, Isaiah 26 Saturday, June 11, Isaiah 27 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply th …

Christ the Firstfruits
May 29, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 29, Isaiah 14 Monday, May 30, Isaiah 15 Tuesday, May 31, Isaiah 16 Wednesday, June 1, Isaiah 17 Thursday, June 2, Isaiah 18 Friday, June 3, Isaiah 19 Saturday, June 4, Isaiah 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

Saying “Yes” to God’s Call
May 22, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 22, Isaiah 7 Monday, May 23, Isaiah 8 Tuesday, May 24, Isaiah 9 Wednesday, May 25, Isaiah 10 Thursday, May 26, Isaiah 11 Friday, May 27, Isaiah 12 Saturday, May 28, Isaiah 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the cha …

How to Be a Faithful Witness: Six Insights from the Example of the Apostle Paul
May 15, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 15, Acts 28 Monday, May 16, Isaiah 1 Tuesday, May 17, Isaiah 2 Wednesday, May 18, Isaiah 3 Thursday, May 19, Isaiah 4 Friday, May 20, Isaiah 5 Saturday, May 21, Isaiah 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapter …

The Gospel Our Children Need Or Making Sure We Get the Gospel Right
May 8, 2022
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 8, Acts 21 Monday, May 9, Acts 22 Tuesday, May 10, Acts 23 Wednesday, May 11, Acts 24 Thursday, May 12, Acts 25 Friday, May 13, Acts 26 Saturday, May 14, Acts 27 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapter we are r …

The ABCs of Successful Living
May 1, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 1, Acts 14 Monday, May 2, Acts 15 Tuesday, May 3, Acts 16 Wednesday, May 4, Acts 17 Thursday, May 5, Acts 18 Friday, May 6, Acts 19 Saturday, May 7, Acts 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapter we are readin …

After the Resurrection: Lessons from the Earliest Church
April 24, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 24 , Acts 7 Monday, April 25, Acts 8 Tuesday, April 26, Acts 9 Wednesday, April 27, Acts 10 Thursday, April 28,  Acts 11 Friday, April 29 , Acts 12 Saturday, April 30, Acts 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

Three Ways the Resurrection of Jesus Can Transform Your Life
April 17, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 17, Luke 24 Monday, April 18, Acts 1 Tuesday, April 19, Acts 2 Wednesday, April 20, Acts 3 Thursday, April 21, Acts 4 Friday, April 22, Acts 5 Saturday, April 23, Acts 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapte …

When We Look at the Cross of Jesus, What Should We See?
April 10, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

When We Look at the Cross of Jesus, What Should We See? message # 3 in the series Getting to the Heart of the Gospel A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 10, Luke 17 Monday, April 11, Luke 18 Tuesday, April 12, Luke 19 Wednesday, April 13, Luke 20 Thursday, April 14, Luke 21 Friday, April 15, Luke 22 Satur …

7 Lessons from the Life of Jesus
April 3, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

7 Lessons from the Life of Jesus message # 2 in the series Getting to the Heart of the Gospel A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 3, Luke 10 Monday, April 4, Luke 11 Tuesday, April 5, Luke 12 Wednesday, April 6, Luke 13 Thursday, April 7, Luke 14 Friday, April 8, Luke 15 Saturday, April 9, Luke 16 If you …

Is This the Jesus You Trust and Follow?
March 27, 2022

Is This the Jesus You Trust and Follow? message # 1 in the series Getting to the Heart of the Gospel A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 27, Luke 3 Monday, March 28, Luke 4 Tuesday, March 29, Luke 5 Wednesday, March 30, Luke 6 Thursday, March 31, Luke 7 Friday, April 1, Luke 8 Saturday, April 2, Luke 9 If …

Is This the Jesus You Trust and Follow?
March 27, 2022

Is This the Jesus You Trust and Follow? message # 1 in the series Getting to the Heart of the Gospel A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 27, Luke 3 Monday, March 28, Luke 4 Tuesday, March 29, Luke 5 Wednesday, March 30, Luke 6 Thursday, March 31, Luke 7 Friday, April 1, Luke 8 Saturday, April 2, Luke 9 If …

Life Lessons and Leadership Lessons from the Book of Judges
March 20, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 20, Judges 17 Monday, March 21, Judges 18 Tuesday, March 22, Judges 19 Wednesday, March 23, Judges 20 Thursday, March 24, Judges 21 Friday, March 25, Luke 1 Saturday, March 26, Luke 2 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and ap …

Judges: The Big Picture and One Specific Example
March 13, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 13, Judges 10 Monday, March 14, Judges 11 Tuesday, March 15, Judges 12 Wednesday, March 16, Judges 13 Thursday, March 17, Judges 14 Friday, March 18, Judges 15 Saturday, March 19, Judges 16 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand …

A More Excellent Way: Learning to Walk in the Way of Love
March 6, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 6, Judges 3 Monday, March 7, Judges 4 Tuesday, March 8, Judges 5 Wednesday, March 9, Judges 6 Thursday, March 10, Judges 7 Friday, March 11, Judges 8 Saturday, March 12, Judges 9 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply t …

The Questions They Asked: Sex, Singleness, and Marriage for Followers of Jesus
February 27, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 27, 1 Corinthians 12 Monday, February 28, 1 Corinthians 13 Tuesday, March 1, 1 Corinthians 14 Wednesday, March 2. 1 Corinthians 15 Thursday, March 3, 1 Corinthians 16 Friday, March 4, Judges 1 Saturday, March 5, Judges 2 If you would like to receive a short, daily em …

Leadership in a Healthy Church
February 20, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 20, 1 Corinthians 5 Monday, February 21, 1 Corinthians 6 Tuesday, February 22, 1 Corinthians 7 Wednesday, February 23, 1 Corinthians 8 Thursday, February 24, 1 Corinthians 9 Friday, February 25, 1 Corinthians 10 Saturday, February 26, 1 Corinthians 11 If you would li …

A Life Transformed: What God Expects After I Have Trusted Jesus
February 13, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 13, Romans 14 Monday, February 14, Romans 15 Tuesday, February 15, Romans 16 Wednesday, February 16, 1 Corinthians 1 Thursday, February 17, 1 Corinthians 2 Friday, February 18, 1 Corinthians 3 Saturday, February 19, 1 Corinthians 4 If you would like to receive a shor …

A Lifelong Battle – And Hope for an End
February 6, 2022
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 6, Romans 7 Monday, February 7, Romans 8 Tuesday, February 8, Romans 9 Wednesday, February 9, Romans 10 Thursday, February 10, Romans 11 Friday, February 11, Romans 12 Saturday, February 12, Romans 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you bett …

When Jesus Prayed for You and Me
January 30, 2022

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 30, John 21 Monday, January 31, Romans 1 Tuesday, February 1, Romans 2 Wednesday, February 2, Romans 3 Thursday, February 3, Romans 4 Friday, February 4, Romans 5 Saturday, February 5, Romans 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better under …

Biblical Help and Hope when Someone You Love Falls Ill and Dies
January 23, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 23, John 14 Monday, January 24, John 15 Tuesday, January 25, John 16 Wednesday, January 26, John 17 Thursday, January 27, John 18 Friday, January 28, John 19 Saturday, January 29, John 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand …

Building Endurance to Go the Distance: How to Develop the Power to Persevere
January 16, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 16, John 7 Monday, January 17, John 8 Tuesday, January 18, John 9 Wednesday, January 19, John 10 Thursday, January 20, John 11 Friday, January 21, John 12 Saturday, January 22, John 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and …

Encouragement for an Uncertain New Year
January 9, 2022
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 9, 2 Peter 3 Monday, January 10, John 1 Tuesday, January 11, John 2 Wednesday, January 12, John 3 Thursday, January 13, John 4 Friday, January 14, John 5 Saturday, January 15, John 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and a …

7 Questions for the New Year
January 2, 2022
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 2, 1 Peter 1 Monday, January 3, 1 Peter 2 Tuesday, January 4, 1 Peter 3 Wednesday, January 5, 1 Peter 4 Thursday, January , 1 Peter 5 Friday, January 7,  2 Peter 1 Saturday, January 8, 2 Peter 2 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better unde …

Come to Me, And I Will Give You Rest
December 26, 2021
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 26, Matthew 28 Monday, December 27, James 1 Tuesday, December 28, James 2 Wednesday, December 2, James 3 Thursday, December 30, James 4 Friday, December 31 , James 5 Saturday, January 1, 3 John If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better unde …

“The Mission, Message, and Master of a Christian Church”
December 19, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

  Our mission is to make disciples.   18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe al …

The Meaning and Message of Jesus’ Birth: Christmas in the Gospel of Matthew
December 5, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 5, Matthew 7 Monday, December 6, Matthew 8 Tuesday, December 7, Matthew 9 Wednesday, December 8, Matthew 10 Thursday, December 9, Matthew 11 Friday, December 10, Matthew 12 Saturday, December 11, Matthew 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help yo …

The First Promise of the Coming of Christ
November 28, 2021
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 28, 2 Thessalonians 3 Monday, November 29, Matthew 1 Tuesday, November 30, Matthew 2 Wednesday, December 1, Matthew 3 Thursday, December 2, Matthew 4 Friday, December 3, Matthew 5 Saturday, December 4, Matthew 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to he …

Giving Thanks in All Circumstances
November 21, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 21, Leviticus 24 Monday, November 22, Leviticus 25 Tuesday, November 23, Leviticus 26 Wednesday, November 24, Leviticus 27 Thursday, November 25, 2 Thessalonians 1 Friday, November 26, 2 Thessalonians 2 Saturday, November 27, 2 Thessalonians 3 If you would like to re …

Set Apart: What It Means to be People Who Please the Lord
November 14, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 14, Leviticus 17 Monday, November 15, Leviticus 18 Tuesday, November 16, Leviticus 19 Wednesday, November 17, Leviticus 20 Thursday, November 18, Leviticus 21 Friday, November 19, Leviticus 22 Saturday, November 20, Leviticus 23 If you would like to receive a short, …

“To the End of the Earth:” An Acts 1:8 Vision – Part 2
November 7, 2021

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 7, Leviticus 10 Monday, November 8, Leviticus 11 Tuesday, November 9, Leviticus 12 Wednesday, November 10, Leviticus 13 Thursday, November 11, Leviticus 14 Friday, November 12, Leviticus 15 Saturday, November 13, Leviticus 16 If you would like to receive a short, dai …

An Acts 1:8 Vision
October 31, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 31, Leviticus 3 Monday, November 1 , Leviticus 4 Tuesday, November 2, Leviticus 5 Wednesday, November 3, Leviticus 6 Thursday, November 4, Leviticus 7 Friday, November 5, Leviticus 8 Saturday, November 6, Leviticus 9 If you would like to receive a short, daily email t …

Where to Draw the Line: Fidelity to Jesus in a Babylonian World
October 24, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 24, Daniel 8 Monday, October 25, Daniel 9 Tuesday, October 26, Daniel 10 Wednesday, October 27, Daniel 11 Thursday, October 28, Daniel 12 Friday, October 29, Leviticus 1 Saturday, October 30, Leviticus 2 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you be …

Living as Faithful Exiles
October 17, 2021
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 17, Daniel 1 Monday, October 18, Daniel 2 Tuesday, October 19, Daniel 3 Wednesday, October 20, Daniel 4 Thursday, October 21, Daniel 5 Friday, October 22 , Daniel 6 Saturday, October 23, Daniel 7 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better und …

How to Not Lose Heart
October 10, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 10, 2 Corinthians 7 Monday, October 11, 2 Corinthians 8 Tuesday, October 12, 2 Corinthians 9 Wednesday, October 13, 2 Corinthians 10 Thursday, October 14, 2 Corinthians 11 Friday, October 15, 2 Corinthians 12 Saturday, October 16, 2 Corinthians 13 If you would like to …

A Charge for Churches and their Leaders
October 3, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 3, Philemon Monday, October 4, 2 Corinthians 1 Tuesday, October 5, 2 Corinthians 2 Wednesday, October 6, 2 Corinthains 3 Thursday, October 7, 2 Corinthians 4 Friday, October 8, 2 Corinthians 5 Saturday, October 9, 2 Corinthians 6 If you would like to receive a short, …

Ecclesiastes: Wisdom and Warnings for the Seasons of Life – Part 2
September 26, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 26, Ecclesiastes 12 Monday, September 27, 1 Timothy 1 Tuesday, September 28, 1 Timothy 2 Wednesday, September 29, 1 Timothy 3 Thursday, September 30, 1 Timothy 4 Friday, October 1, 1 Timothy 5 Saturday, October 2, 1 Timothy 6 If you would like to receive a short, da …

Ecclesiastes: Wisdom and Warnings for the Seasons of Life
September 19, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 19, Ecclesiastes 5 Monday, September 20, Ecclesiastes 6 Tuesday, September 21, Ecclesiastes 7 Wednesday, September 22, Ecclesiastes 8 Thursday, September 23, Ecclesiastes 9 Friday, September 24, Ecclesiastes 10 Saturday, September 25, Ecclesiastes 11 If you would li …

Seven Principles for Polarized Times
September 12, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 12, Romans 14 Monday, September 13, Romans 15 Tuesday, September 14, Romans 16 Wednesday, September 15, Ecclesiastes 1 Thursday, September 16, Ecclesiastes 2 Friday, September 17, Ecclesiastes 3 Saturday, September 18, Ecclesiastes 4 If you would like to receive a s …

The Nations Rage in Vain: How God’s Sovereignty Provides Hope for a Glorious Future
September 5, 2021
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 5, Romans 7 Monday, September 6, Romans 8 Tuesday, September 7, Romans 9 Wednesday, September 8, Romans 10 Thursday, September 9, Romans 11 Friday, September 10, Romans 12 Saturday, September 11, Romans 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help yo …

Instructions for Christian Living: Building a Healthy, Multi-Generational Church
August 29, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 29, 2 John Monday, August 30, Romans 1 Tuesday, August 31, Romans 2 Wednesday, September 1, Romans 3 Thursday, September 2, Romans 4 Friday, September 3, Romans 5 Saturday, September 4, Romans 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better under …

What Happens When We Die?
August 22, 2021

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 22, Luke 21 Monday, August 23, Luke 22 Tuesday, August 24, Luke 23 Wednesday, August 25, Luke 24 Thursday, August 26, Titus 1 Friday, August 27, Titus 2 Saturday, August 28, Titus 3 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and app …

Making Sense of Suffering
August 15, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 15, Luke 14 Monday, August 16, Luke 15 Tuesday, August 17, Luke 16 Wednesday, August 18, Luke 17 Thursday, August 19, Luke 18 Friday, August 20, Luke 19 Saturday, August 21, Luke 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and app …

Who is Jesus, and Why Does It Matter?
August 8, 2021
Andy Johnson, Executive Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 8, Luke 7 Monday, August 9, Luke 8 Tuesday, August 10, Luke 9 Wednesday, August 11, Luke 10 Thursday, August 12, Luke 11 Friday, August 13, Luke 12 Saturday, August 14, Luke 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply th …

Saved Now and Forever
August 1, 2021
Mark Hudgins, Membership Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 1, Acts 28 Monday, August 2, Luke 1   Tuesday, August 3, Luke 2 Wednesday, August 4, Luke 3 Thursday, August 5, Luke 4 Friday, August 6, Luke 5 Saturday, August 7, Luke 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chap …

Apollos: A Disciple in the Making
July 25, 2021
David Peterson, Discipleship Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 25, Acts 21 Monday, July 26, Acts 22 Tuesday, July 27, Acts 23 Wednesday, July 28, Acts 24 Thursday, July 29, Acts 25 Friday, July 30, Acts 26 Saturday, July 31, Acts 27 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapter …

The First Mission Trip: Five Truths about Going with the Gospel
July 18, 2021
Brett Brandewie, High School Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 18, Acts 14 Monday, July 19, Acts 15   Tuesday, July 2, Acts 16 Wednesday, July 21, Acts 17 Thursday, July 22, Acts 18 Friday, July 23, Acts 19 Saturday, July 24, Acts 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapte …

Seeking and Desiring a Heavenly Homeland
July 11, 2021
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 11, Acts 7 Monday, July 12, Acts 8 Tuesday, July 13, Acts 9 Wednesday, July 14, Acts 10 Thursday, July 15, Acts 11 Friday, July 16, Acts 12 Saturday, June 17, Acts 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapter we …

God and Government: Biblical Wisdom for Christian Citizens
July 4, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 4, Revelation 22 Monday, July 5, Acts 1 Tuesday, July 6, Acts 2 Wednesday, July 7, Acts 3 Thursday, July 8, Acts 4 Friday, July 9, Acts 5 Saturday, July 10, Acts 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapter we ar …

Stepping Up to Serve message #7 in the series Discovering my S.H.A.P.E. for Ministry
June 27, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 27, Revelation 15 Monday, June 28, Revelation 16 Tuesday, June 29, Revelation 17 Wednesday, June 30, Revelation 18 Thursday, July 1, Revelation 19 Friday, July 2, Revelation 20 Saturday, July 3, Revelation 21 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you …

Putting My Personality to Work in Ministry message #6 in the series Discovering my S.H.A.P.E. for Ministry
June 20, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 20, Revelation 8 Monday, June 21, Revelation 9 Tuesday, June 22, Revelation 10 Wednesday, June 23, Revelation 11 Thursday, June 24, Revelation 12 Friday, June 25, Revelation 13 Saturday, June 26, Revelation 14 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you …

Using My Abilities in Ministry message #5 in the series Discovering my S.H.A.P.E. for Ministry
June 13, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 13    Revelation 1 Monday, June 14    Revelation 2 Tuesday, June 15    Revelation 3 Wednesday, June 16 Revelation 4 Thursday, June 17    Revelation 5 Friday, June 18    Revelation 6 Saturday, June19    Revelation 7 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to hel …

Serving . . . with All My Heart message #4 in the series Discovering my S.H.A.P.E. for Ministry
June 6, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 6, 1 John 4 Monday, June 7, 1 John 5 Tuesday, June 8, 1 Thessalonians 1 Wednesday, June 9, 1 Thessalonians 2 Thursday, June 10, 1 Thessalonians 3 Friday, June 11, 1 Thessalonians 4 Saturday, June12, 1 Thessalonians 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to h …

Using My Spiritual Gifts, message #3 in the series Discovering My S.H.A.P.E. for Ministry
May 30, 2021
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 30, 1 Corinthians 13 Monday, May 31, 1 Corinthians 14 Tuesday, June 1, 1 Corinthians 15 Wednesday, June 2, 1 Corinthians 16 Thursday, June 3, 1 John 1 Friday, June 4, 1 John 2 Saturday, June 5, 1 John 3 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better …

Shaped for Service and Significance: message #2 in the series Discovering my S.H.A.P.E. for Ministry
May 23, 2021

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 23, 1 Corinthians 6 Monday, May 24, 1 Corinthians 7 Tuesday, May 25, 1 Corinthians 8 Wednesday, May 26, 1 Corinthians 9 Thursday, May 27, 1 Corinthians 10 Friday, May 28, 1 Corinthians 11 Saturday, May 29, 1 Corinthians 12 If you would like to receive a short, daily email …

Made for Ministry, message #1 in the series Discovering my S.H.A.P.E. for Ministry
May 16, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 16, Psalm 89 Monday, May 17, Psalm 90   Tuesday, May 18, 1 Corinthians 1 Wednesday, May 19, 1 Corinthians 2 Thursday, May 20, 1 Corinthians 3 Friday, May 21, 1 Corinthians 4 Saturday, May 22, 1 Corinthians 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you be …

What Does the Bible Say about Mothers?
May 9, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 9, Psalm 82 Monday, May 10, Psalm 83 Tuesday, May 11, Psalm 84 Wednesday, May 12, Psalm 85 Thursday, May 13, Psalm 86 Friday, May 14, Psalm 87 Saturday, May 15, Psalm 88 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapter …

From Generation to Generation
May 2, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 2, Psalm 75 Monday, May 3, Psalm 76   Tuesday, May 4, Psalm 77 Wednesday, May 5, Psalm 78 Thursday, May 6, Psalm 79 Friday, May 7, Psalm 80 Saturday, May 8, Psalm 81 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapter we a …

A Prevailing Church
April 25, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 25, Psalm 68 Monday, April 26, Psalm 69   Tuesday, April 27, Psalm 70 Wednesday, April 28, Psalm 71 Thursday, April 29, Psalm 72 Friday, April 30, Psalm 73 Saturday, May 1, Psalm 74 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and appl …

Doing God’s Will: How to Live a Life Pleasing to the Lord
April 18, 2021

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 18, Psalm 61 Monday, April 19, Psalm 62   Tuesday, April 20, Psalm 63 Wednesday, April 21, Psalm 64 Thursday, April 22, Psalm 65 Friday, April 23, Psalm 66 Saturday, April 24, Psalm 67 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and a …

Jesus Above All: The Superiority and Supremacy of Jesus
April 11, 2021
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 11, Hebrews 7 Monday, April 12 , Hebrews 8 Tuesday, April 13 , Hebrews 9 Wednesday, April 14, Hebrews 10 Thursday, April 15, Hebrews 11 Friday, April 16, Hebrews 12 Saturday, April 17, Hebrews 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better under …

How the Resurrection Gives Us Hope
April 4, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, April 4, John 21 Monday, April 5, Hebrews 1   Tuesday, April 6, Hebrews 2 Wednesday, April 7, Hebrews 3 Thursday, April 8, Hebrews 4 Friday, April 9, Hebrews 5 Saturday, April 10, Hebrews 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and ap …

Surveying the Cross: The Significance of the Death of Christ
March 28, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 28, John 14 Monday, March 29, John 15   Tuesday, March 30, John 16 Wednesday, March 31, John 17 Thursday, April 1, John 18 Friday, April 2, John 19 Saturday, April 3, John 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the c …

Living with Joy in the Journey: Life Lessons from a Seasoned Spiritual Mentor
March 21, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 21, John 7 Monday, March 22, John 8      Tuesday, March 23, John 9 Wednesday, March 24, John 10 Thursday, March 25, John 11 Friday, March 26, John 12 Saturday, March 27, John 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply th …

Spiritual Mathematics: Understanding the Biblical Equation about a Right Relationship with God
March 14, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 14, Philippians 4 Monday, March 15, John 1      Tuesday, March 16, John 2 Wednesday, March 17, John 3 Thursday, March 18, John 4 Friday, March 19, John 5 Saturday, March 20, John 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply …

Unity In Christ: A Gift and a Goal Ephesians 4:1-6
March 7, 2021
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, March 7, 1 Peter 5 Monday, March 8, 2 Peter 1 Tuesday, March 9, 2 Peter 2 Wednesday, March 10, 2 Peter 3 Thursday, March 11, Philippians 1 Friday, March 12, Philippians 2 Saturday, March 13, Philippians 3 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better un …

Keep Walking: Rooted and Built Up In Christ Colossians 2:6-15
February 28, 2021
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 28, Ephesians 4 Monday, March 1, Ephesians 5 Tuesday, March 2, Ephesians 6 Wednesday, March 3, 1 Peter 1 Thursday, March 4, 1 Peter 2 Friday, March 5, 1 Peter 3 Saturday, March 6, 1 Peter 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understa …

“On that day . . .”: Zechariah and the Day of the Lord
February 21, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 21, Galatians 3 Monday, February 22, Galatians 4        Tuesday, February 23, Galatians 5 Wednesday, February 24, Galatians 6 Thursday, February 25, Ephesians 1 Friday, February 26, Ephesians 2 Saturday, February 27, Ephesians 3 If you would like to receive a short, …

Encouragement, Instruction, & a Warning from the Book of Zechariah
February 14, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 14, Zechariah 10 Monday, February 15, Zechariah 11        Tuesday, February 16, Zechariah 12 Wednesday, February 17, Zechariah 13 Thursday, February 18, Zechariah 14 Friday, February 19, Galatians 1 Saturday, February 20, Galatians 2 If you would like to receive a sh …

Successfully Negotiating a Time of Transition: Lessons from the Book of Ezra
February 7, 2021

A Chapter a Day Sunday, February 7, Zechariah 3 Monday, February 8, Zechariah 4          Tuesday, February 9, Zechariah 5 Wednesday, February 10, Zechariah 6 Thursday, February 11, Zechariah 7 Friday, February 12, Zechariah 8 Saturday, February 13, Zechariah 9 If you would like to receive a short, d …

Do You Know Your Seasons?
January 31, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 31, Ezra 6 Monday, February 1, Ezra 7          Tuesday, February 2, Ezra 8 Wednesday, February 3, Ezra 9 Thursday, February 4, Ezra 10 Friday, February 5, Zechariah 1 Saturday, February 6, Zechariah 2 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you bette …

The Things that Matter Most
January 24, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 24, Mark 15 Monday, January 25, Mark 16          Tuesday, January 26, Ezra 1 Wednesday, January 27, Ezra 2 Thursday, January 28, Ezra 3 Friday, January 29, Ezra 4 Saturday, January 30, Ezra 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better underst …

Prizing and Protecting our Unity
January 17, 2021
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 17, Mark 8 Monday, January 18, Mark 9            Tuesday, January 19, Mark 10 Wednesday, January 20, Mark 11 Thursday, January 21, Mark 12 Friday, January 22, Mark 13 Saturday, January 23, Mark 14 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better un …

Following Jesus through Turbulent Times
January 10, 2021

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 10, Mark 1 Monday, January 11, Mark 2            Tuesday, January 12, Mark 3 Wednesday, January 13, Mark 4 Thursday, January 14, Mark 5 Friday, January 15, Mark 6 Saturday, January 16, Mark 7 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better underst …

Six Ways To Please God This Year
January 3, 2021
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, January 3, 2 Timothy 2 Monday, January 4, 2 Timothy 3 Tuesday, January 5, 2 Timothy 4 Wednesday, January 6, Colossians 1 Thursday, January 7, Colossians 2 Friday, January 8, Colossians 3 Saturday, January 9, Colossians 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to he …

The Light Has Come. Now What? 1 John 1:1-10
December 27, 2020
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 27, 1 John 2 Monday, December 28, 1 John 3 Tuesday, December 29, 1 John 4 Wednesday, December 30, 1 John 5 Thursday, December 31, 2 John Friday, January 1, 3 John Saturday, January 2, 2 Timothy 1 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better un …

Encouragement for a Pandemic Christmas
December 20, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter A Day Sunday, December 20, Luke 19 Monday, December 21, Luke 20 Tuesday, December 22, Luke 21 Wednesday, December 23, Luke 22 Thursday, December 24, Luke 23 Friday, December 25, Luke 24 Saturday, December 26, 1 John 1 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better und …

Christmas Then and Now: What in the World is God Up To?
December 13, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 13, Luke 12 Monday, December 14, Luke 13            Tuesday, December 15, Luke 14 Wednesday, December 16, Luke 15 Thursday, December 17, Luke 16 Friday, December 18, Luke 17 Saturday, December 19, Luke 18 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you …

Family Formation & Faith Development: Lessons from Mary, Joseph, & the Birth of Jesus
December 6, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, December 6, Luke 5 Monday, December 7, Luke 6            Tuesday, December 8, Luke 7 Wednesday, December 9, Luke 8 Thursday, December 10, Luke 9 Friday, December 11, Luke 10 Saturday, December 12, Luke 11 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better un …

A Broken Heart and A Perfect Sacrifice: An Example of Confession and Forgiveness
November 29, 2020
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 29, Psalm 58 Monday, November 30, Psalm 59 Tuesday, December 1, Psalm 60 Wednesday, December 2, Luke 1 Thursday, December 3, Luke 2 Friday, December 4, Luke 3 Saturday, December 5, Luke 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand …

Give Thanks in All Circumstances: Seven Reasons to Always Be Grateful
November 24, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 22, Psalm 51 Monday, November 23, Psalm 52            Tuesday, November 24, Psalm 53 Wednesday, November 25, Psalm 54 Thursday, November 26, Psalm 55 Friday, November 27, Psalm 56 Saturday, November 28, Psalm 57 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to he …

The Courage to Bow or to Stand: Making Disciples with the Character & Conviction of Daniel
November 22, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 22, Psalm 51 Monday, November 23, Psalm 52            Tuesday, November 24, Psalm 53 Wednesday, November 25, Psalm 54 Thursday, November 26, Psalm 55 Friday, November 27, Psalm 56 Saturday, November 28, Psalm 57 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to he …

Let Your Voice Be Heard
November 15, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 15, Psalm 44 Monday, November 16, Psalm 45            Tuesday, November 17, Psalm 46 Wednesday, November 18, Psalm 47 Thursday, November 19, Psalm 48 Friday, November 20, Psalm 49 Saturday, November 21, Psalm 50 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to he …

Praising God for His Sovereignty: Insight & Encouragement from Psalm 33
November 8, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 8, Psalm 37 Monday, November 9, Psalm 38            Tuesday, November 10, Psalm 39 Wednesday, November 11, Psalm 40 Thursday, November 12, Psalm 41 Friday, November 13, Psalm 42 Saturday, November 14, Psalm 43 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help …

Biblical Wisdom for Election Day . . . and Beyond! message #4 in the series Thinking Biblically in a Political Season
November 1, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, November 1, Acts 28 Monday, November 2, Psalm 31            Tuesday, November 3, Psalm 32 Wednesday, November 4, Psalm 33 Thursday, November 5, Psalm 34 Friday, November 6, Psalm 35 Saturday, November 7, Psalm 36 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you b …

A Vision of Heaven
October 25, 2020
Dr. Paul Chitwood, President, International Mission Board

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 25, Acts 21 Monday, October 26, Acts 22 Tuesday, October 27, Acts 23 Wednesday, October 28, Acts 24 Thursday, October 29, Acts 25 Friday, October 30, Acts 26 Saturday, October 31, Acts 27 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand …

Will Biblical Values Shape Your Vote? message #3 in the series Thinking Biblically in a Political Season
October 18, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 18, Acts 14 Monday, October 19, Acts 15            Tuesday, October 20, Acts 16 Wednesday, October 21, Acts 17 Thursday, October 22, Acts 18 Friday, October 23, Acts 19 Saturday, October 24, Acts 20 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better …

The Mission – Matthew 28:16-20
October 11, 2020
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 11, Acts 7 Monday, October 12, Acts 8 Tuesday, October 13, Acts 9 Wednesday, October 14, Acts 10 Thursday, October 15, Acts 11 Friday, October 16, Acts 12 Saturday, October 17, Acts 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and …

Will You Vote for Life? message #2 in the series Thinking Biblically in a Political Season
October 4, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, October 4, Matthew 28 Monday, October 5, Acts 1            Tuesday, October 6, Acts 2 Wednesday, October 7, Acts 3 Thursday, October 8, Acts 4 Friday, October 9, Acts 5 Saturday, October 10, Acts 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understan …

Does Character Matter?
September 27, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

message #1 in the series Thinking Biblically in a Political Season A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 27, Matthew 21 Monday, September 28, Matthew 22            Tuesday, September 29, Matthew 23 Wednesday, September 30, Matthew 24 Thursday, October 1, Matthew 25 Friday, October 2, Matthew 26 Saturday …

Secrets of the Kingdom: What King Jesus Taught about his Rule & Reign
September 20, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 20, Matthew 14 Monday, September 21, Matthew 15             Tuesday, September 22, Matthew 16 Wednesday, September 23, Matthew 17 Thursday, September 24, Matthew 18 Friday, September 25, Matthew 19 Saturday, September 26, Matthew 20 If you would like to receive a sh …

When Temptation Comes My Way: How to Stand Strong in Times of Testing
September 13, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 13, Matthew 7 Monday, September 14, Matthew 8             Tuesday, September 15, Matthew 9 Wednesday, September 16, Matthew 10 Thursday, September 17, Matthew 11 Friday, September 18, Matthew 12 Saturday, September 19, Matthew 13 If you would like to receive a short …

Is Reconciliation Possible? The Power of the Gospel to Transform Relationships
September 6, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, September 6, Jude Monday, September 7, Matthew 1             Tuesday, September 8, Matthew 2 Wednesday, September 9, Matthew 3 Thursday, September 10, Matthew 4 Friday, September 11, Matthew 5 Saturday, September 12, Matthew 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email …

How to Live with Vital Optimism or, How Not to Lose Heart in Hard Times or, Living Confidently when the Challenges Are Great
August 30, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 30, 2 Corinthians 8 Monday, August 31, 2 Corinthians 9 Tuesday, September 1, 2 Corinthians 10 Wednesday, September 2, 2 Corinthians 11 Thursday, September 3, 2 Corinthians 12 Friday, September 4, 2 Corinthians 13 Saturday, September 5, Philemon 1 If you would like to r …

A More Excellent Way: The Transforming Power of True Love
August 23, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 23, 2 Corinthians 1 Monday, August 24, 2 Corinthians 2 Tuesday, August 25, 2 Corinthians 3 Wednesday, August 26, 2 Corinthians 4 Thursday, August 27, 2 Corinthians 5 Friday, August 28, 2 Corinthians 6 Saturday, August 29, 2 Corinthians 7 If you would like to receive a …

That Your Joy May Be Full
August 16, 2020
Justin Nalls

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 16, 1 Corinthians 10 Monday, August 17, 1 Corinthians 11 Tuesday, August 18, 1 Corinthians 12 Wednesday, August 19, 1 Corinthians 13 Thursday, August 20, 1 Corinthians 14 Friday, August 21, 1 Corinthians 15 Saturday, August 22, 1 Corinthians 16 If you would like to rec …

This Pandemic Stinks!
August 9, 2020
Living Hope
August 2, 2020
Wil Fason, Middle School Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, August 2, Romans 12 Monday, August 3, Romans 13 Tuesday, August 4, Romans 14 Wednesday, August 5, Romans 15 Thursday, August 6, Romans 16 Friday, August 7, 1 Corinthians 1              Saturday, August 8, 1 Corinthians 2 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to he …

Living in Light of Eternity: Last Words for the Class of 2020
July 26, 2020

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 26, Romans 5 Monday, July 27, Romans 6 Tuesday, July 28, Romans 7 Wednesday, July 29, Romans 8 Thursday, July 30, Romans 9 Friday, July 31, Romans 10 Saturday, August 1, Romans 11 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply t …

The Lord is My Shepherd
July 19, 2020
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 19, Revelation 20 Monday, July 20, Revelation 21 Tuesday, July 21, Revelation 22 Wednesday, July 22, Romans 1 Thursday, July 23, Romans 2 Friday, July 24, Romans 3 Saturday, July 25, Romans 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand …

Help and Hope for Hard Times: A Fresh Vision of the Risen Christ
July 12, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 12, Revelation 13 Monday, July 13, Revelation 14 Tuesday, July 14 , Revelation 15 Wednesday, July 15, Revelation 16 Thursday, July 16, Revelation 17 Friday, July 17, Revelation 18 Saturday, July 18, Revelation 19 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help …

Celebrating Freedom
July 5, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, July 5, Revelation 6 Monday, July 6, Revelation 7 Tuesday, July 7, Revelation 8 Wednesday, July8, Revelation 9 Thursday, July 9, Revelation 10 Friday, July 10, Revelation 11 Saturday, July 11, Revelation 12 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better …

Faith that Pleases God
June 28, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 28, Hebrews 12 Monday, June 29, Hebrews 13 Tuesday, June 30, Revelation 1 Wednesday, July 1, Revelation 2 Thursday, July 2, Revelation 3 Friday, July 3, Revelation 4 Saturday, July 4, Revelation 5 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better under …

The Father Factor: Why Dads Are Essential to Healthy Family Formation
June 21, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 21, Hebrews 5 Monday, June 22, Hebrews 6 Tuesday, June 23, Hebrews 7 Wednesday, June 24, Hebrews 8 Thursday, June 25, Hebrews 9 Friday, June 26, Hebrews 10 Saturday, June 27, Hebrews 11 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and a …

Expectations and Preparations for the End of the Age
June 14, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 14, Mark 14 Monday, June 15, Mark 15 Tuesday, June 16, Mark 16 Wednesday, June 17, Hebrews 1 Thursday, June 18, Hebrews 2 Friday, June 19, Hebrews 3 Saturday, June 20, Hebrews 4 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the …

Biblical Guidance for Times of Tumult
June 7, 2020
Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, June 7, Mark 7 Monday, June 8, Mark 8 Tuesday, June 9, Mark 9 Wednesday, June 10, Mark 10 Thursday, June 11, Mark 11 Friday, June 12, Mark 12 Saturday, June 13, Mark 13 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapter we ar …

The Mercy of God in the Midst of a Pandemic
May 31, 2020
Justin Nalls, Teaching Pastor

A Chapter a Day Sunday, May 31, 2 Samuel 24 Monday, June 1 , Mark 1 Tuesday, June 2, Mark 2 Wednesday, June 3, Mark 3 Thursday, June 4, Mark 4 Friday, June 5, Mark 5 Saturday, June 6, Mark 6 If you would like to receive a short, daily email to help you better understand and apply the chapter we are …

Jesus Heals Everyone
June 9, 2019

Review This series is an extension of our study on spiritual parenting and discipleship. Spiritual parenting and discipleship are a return to a focus on the original royal decree: be fruitful and multiply. In sum, God wants kids, lots of them. One of the things that distinguishes humans from other c …

Main Street Jesus
May 6, 2019

This sermon is about the love that Jesus has for everyone, whether the poor or the rich. It doesn't matter at all. We can enter in other text that would go here if you want. If you leave this blank, the first few sentences of your outline will show here.

Writer of Proverbs
April 16, 2019

Introduction It was the writer of Proverbs that said it so well, (Slide) “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12. Maybe you have experienced that. Maybe At School- When is this semester ever going to end?   Or on a Trip- Are we there yet? Kids and …

This Should Be Invisibles
June 1, 2019
John Smith

This is a sermon about Jesus and his disciples getting into a ship and going to the other side. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.