Putting My Personality to Work in Ministry message #6 in the series Discovering my S.H.A.P.E. for Ministry
June 20, 2021 / Tim McCoy, Lead Pastor / Ingleside Baptist ChurchA Chapter a Day
- Sunday, June 20, Revelation 8
- Monday, June 21, Revelation 9
- Tuesday, June 22, Revelation 10
- Wednesday, June 23, Revelation 11
- Thursday, June 24, Revelation 12
- Friday, June 25, Revelation 13
- Saturday, June 26, Revelation 14
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S piritual Gifts
H eart
A bilities
E xperiences
Ministry =
God intends for my ministry to the body of Christ.
To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit
for the common good.
(1 Corinthians 12:7, ESV)
Five Observations about Personality and Ministry
- There is no or personality.
- Each personality has its own and .
- Sanguine -> The Talker
“Let’s have !”
- Melancholy -> The
“Let’s get !”
- Choleric -> The
“Let’s get !”
- Phlegmatic -> The
“Let’s take it !”
Which of the personality types best describes you?
Popular Sanguines are best:
- in dealing with people enthusiastically
- in expressing thoughts with excitement
- in up front positions of attention
but sometimes they:
- talk without thinking first
- have difficulty getting organized and following through
- have difficulty remembering appointments and being on time.
Perfect Melancholies are best:
- in attending to details and in deep thinking
- in keeping records, charts, and graphs
- in analyzing problems too difficult for others
but sometimes they:
- are overly sensitive, get hurt easily, and are prone to depression
- over-plan and procrastinate due to their perfectionism
- place unrealistic expectations on themselves and others.
Powerful Cholerics are best:
- in jobs that require quick decisions
- in spots that need instant action and accomplishments
- in areas that demand strong control and authority
but sometimes they:
- are compulsive workers who must be in control
- lack compassion and look down on “the dummies”
- are manipulate people in pursuit of their goal
Peaceful Phlegmatics are best:
- in positions of mediation and unity
- in storms that need a calming hand
- in routines that might seem dull to others
but sometimes they:
- lack motivation and lapse into lethargy
- resist change with an uncommunicative iron will
- have a tough time making decisions and saying “no.”
- personality can be used in ministry for the glory of God.
- God’s intention is that every follower of Jesus have a -controlled personality.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-25, ESV)
- At Ingleside, we are building a ministry culture where . . .
- We are of personality differences.
- We personality differences.
- We personality differences.
To start a conversation about serving in ministry at Ingleside, reach out to the staff pastor or minister who is responsible for that area of ministry.
• https://www.ingleside.org/about-us/our-team/
• Preschool ministry – gfillingim@ingleside.org
• Children’s ministry – nwilbur@ingleside.org
• Middle school ministry – wfason@ingleside.org
• High school ministry – bbrandewie@ingleside.org
• Blended worship arts – jgreen@ingleside.org
• Traditional worship arts – jturner@ingleside.org
• Contemporary worship arts – cscott@ingleside.org
• Production ministry – chawkins@ingleside.org
• Welcome ministry – mhudgins@ingleside.org
• Adult classes, groups, studies – dpeterson@ingleside.org
• Hospitality / Special Events – bcleaveland@ingleside.org
• Where I am Needed – ajohnson@ingleside.org